Our market until now has followed a typical pattern of being extremely busy in the months running up to Christmas, followed by a quieter time with interest building again as we approach Spring.

This year the CMA intents to start the season hard with its ‘Spring into Spring’ campaign.

We would like to offer you:

  1. Free booth rental for the month of April 2023 for vendors that are approved. (must come for whole month)
  2. A 50% discount on booth rental if you continue your rental throughout May 2023
  3. After which, you may renew your CMA membership (cost $50) which will entitle you to 10% discount on all further booth rentals for the remainder of 2023.
  4. This membership awards you the status of ‘preferred vendor’ which means that if you are one of several vendor applications with a similar product range, yours will be the preferred application.

The Centennial Market is a weekend market (Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday noon to 4pm) with ample parking and a steady flow of customers visiting us and the other major stores in the Mall.

Our market is fully secure during the week so your product can be safely left in your booth – so no ‘knock down’ and ‘set up’ worries.

* Conditions on this deal apply

But what’s happening in April?

We have plenty of events happening in April, from a Hitch and Ditch mock marriage ceremony on April 1st, an Easter Egg hunt, and a GIANT Earth Day celebration sponsored by Sasktel! There will be ample advertising and traffic flow throughout the month!

Apply now!

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